Friday, May 25, 2012


All signs are pointing to a fantastic new beginning to you, and a long journey sort of geographical change could be coming soon. If a trip is already planned, expect it to go incredibly well, an upgrade may be involved! :))) Prepare yourself for unexpected luxury. A big payoff is due today in a financial sense as well, and it's one you should share with the people you love. Invite a few friends out to dinner and surprise them by footing the bill. :D

#np Plug In Stereo-Thursday! Wow, the best for today! Yess!
I never got to tell you, despite those things that happened before you left, and had to go. I love you and I know it goes unsaid, but I wanted to let you know. It's sad to say, that life goes on, cause I wish you could go on too. No chunk of change can take your place, so I miss you and I'll see you soon. :')))

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SukanTara Day 2.

22 Mei 2012-Selasa

          Hari Kedua. Hmm, berkumpul di luar Dewan Harmoni. Yahh, sana ada bau yg semacam jak. Entahlaa. Macam hidung sy sensetif jak. Hehehehe. Then, lepas ambik nombor sukan itu, bergerak secara berkumpulan ke KRP,Lutong. Wow! Kami pg sana guna kereta. Hahaha. Kecian yg lain terpaksa jalan kaki tpi dekat jak pun dgn sekolah. Heee. Sampai disana, duduk jap tggu yg lain sampai. Then, pg padang. Ohh, lepas daftar semua, first aktiviti, lari 400m. Ya ampun. Bayangkan, sy nihh mana pernah ikut lari2 bha. Ohh, nasib xdapat nombor terakhir. Hehehe. Yes! Next, 100m. Ini lagilah terseksa. Huh! Apapun, terpaksa gak lari. Ehh, yang ini pun xdapat last. Ada gik yg lain yg malas mau lari. Heran! Then, rehat-rehat sementara menunggu yg lain. Next, oppsss! 1500m. Okay, sy xdapat nk teruskan. Sy batal jak. Xmau sy ikut. Hehehehe. Yang lain main lari jak, belum habis dha keluar. Haha. Wow! Aktiviti hari nie habis awal. So, pulang awal. Sebelum pulang tu, lepak-lepak di sekitar bar disana. Kemudian, balik. Yey! Sukantara sudah tamat! Lega rasanya. Tpi dalam bidang akademik, ohhh, MUET mcm susah jak. Cikgu sangat tegas! Hmm,.it's okay. Teruskan jak! :D

SukanTara Day 1.

21 Mei 2012-Isnin

          Hari pertama! Rasa macam neves jak nk ikut itu Sukan Tara. Ingatkn susah, rupanya just simple jak. Main-main mcm perlawanan antara kelas. Lerrrr! Cuba cakap awal. Ada sy main sungguh-sungguh demi hadiah yg bakal kami dapat. Hahahaha.. Station pertama kami adalah tmpt renjam lembing. Lorrr, teruk jugak. Xpandai sy nihhh. Sbb masa tu xtahu itu sukan antara kelas, so, sy main mcm tu jak. Ish, Urai hebat bha. Mcm atlet jak, ehh, mmg atlet pun. Lol! Wahahaha, tpi Ahlee lebih hebat. Jeneral bha. Hehehehe.. Number One ehh Ahlee. :))) Hahaha. Next station, main lontar peluru. Lorrr. Main mcm tu jak. Semua org pandai main punn. Derrrr! Letih jak tggu giliran. Dah laa panas. Panas ehh. Oke, next, main lompat tinggi. Well, semua org malas mau main. Bukan malas tpi dha mmg xpandai bha, nk buat mcm mana. Jahat meka laki itu ketawa jak. Dha laa sama kelas. Tenetttt! Memalukan jak. Dha habis tu, ohhh, lari. Station terakhir, lompat jauh. Best lah jugak. Itu senang bha. Sekali, ehh, dibatalkan. Kenapa boleh bha. Aiyerrrr! Pengadil yg teruk. Sorie! :P Kemudian, saat yg dinanti-nantikan, yeyyy! Pulang! Tpi, masa masih terlalu awal. Mula-mula lepak di kantin sekolah. Aie, panas indah! Dekat sekolah lama, angin sangat kuat bha. Nie, kipas pun xbuka, ruang kantin tertutup rapat, manada angin mau masuk. Panas semacam jak. Then, pg tggu luar sekolah. Hmmm, lepas borak-borak and main-main dlm masa 30 minit, yey! Pulang rumah. Best day but tired! ^^v

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Friday! 18th May 2012..

As usual, wake up early in the morning and prepare to go to school. And yeah, today was another fun day. Even we know that we will not be together forever, because we now in the same class just for about one month. Some of us will transfer to other school or University. Yea, wish them all the best. I think I'm gonna stay at SMK Lutong to finish my Form 6 there. Hopefully I can do my best there. Hehehe..

Woww. Today my best friend drive me back home from school. This will be the last time we will be together cause tomorrow he leaving Miri. need to think so much about it. Just a goodbye and last farewell  from a friend who truly cares about us. Yeyyy! I gonna miss him so much but actually I miss my girl friends more. It's really hard for us to meet each others. I wonder why. Nevermind. Keh3... And, I got my very first present. Hehehe..I'm so happy. Ngahahahaha..

Now, it's time to start study hard. What on my minds now is to study hard and pass all my exams to enter University. I was like "when will we start the MUET lesson?"..Hehehehe. My MUET's teacher is very strict. Okay, I like. Ngehehehehehe~ Today, we start our very first lesson..and it is Chemistry! Heayy! I loving it. :))) So, I wish all the best to all my friends and I'm gonna miss you all.

P/S: Don't discuss about anything that I shared here. Hehehehe. Just wanna shared my story and to make me remember about it. Peace! ^^v

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's all start with LIE! =="

I always said that I hate people who lying. Lying make me feels so BAD. I'm trying my very best not to lie at the others but why their cannot do the same. If you really have something you wanna do, just do it. No need to care about what I feels. It's not that important because when I know that you actually lying to me, it's become more hurt. And I will never forget it. Yahh, I'm so ego, maybe. I'm so sorry. What can I do? I born to be like this. Maybe I should change. Okay, I will try my very best. I going to be forever alone soon. And why make me feels this way? Why I can be happy for this very short time? Aish, I should not blame the others. Hehehe...

Tomorrow! Yea, tomorrow. I always think about what will happen tomorrow. Will I be happy tomorrow? Will everything changes? What am I going to do if I have problems? And yea, I am now going to change cause everything will change too. Not all of us will be forever together. And I don't think we will be like that. Hmmm... And our time is racing now. Hahaha.. Why you must lying? This make me felt very bad and terrible at the same time. I wanna hate you but I can't. That's make me looks like a stupid person. Oh! Me gusta! Knowing the truth really hurts me badly. But it's okay. I will not care about it anymore. Because it's not important now.

I guess you having a very nice day today. Yeaa, must be! Because I think it is awesome too. Hahaha.. When I reach home, the first thing I do is sleeping. Wow! I'm happy with that. But, the truth ruins my day. Hahaha..why must this happen? Hmm, everything happen for some reason. Okay, I accept it. But I still curious, what actually inside their minds? What their thinking about? Wow, if I can know about, aahhh, awesome. Ohsem! The conclusion here is, this is all what I felt today. It's nothing. Don't take it so serious. Hehehehe..tomorrow going to be fine. Hope so. :)))

Friday, May 04, 2012

Kisah "Xpaluntepik". :)))

     Bangun pagi, seperti biasa, selepas selesai membuat  benda yg patut, kita ONLINE! Weeeee~ Teman sejati, si Debbun (xpalun) beri "morning wish". Heeeee. Then, sambunglah inbox smpai ke satu tahap, di mana debbun membuat lawak. Debbun bilang dia dapat nyanyi lagu "next to you" tanpa melihat lirik lagu itu. Hmm, biasanya, style debbun, dia akan selalu kata "bila patut sy ketawa?"...hmmm, sy pandai2 lah pg upgrate jadi "bila patut sy tepik tgn?". Oppsssss!!! TEPIK! Sepatutnya tepuk! Ahhhh, debbun syokkk sbb "tepik". *Maluuuuuuu~

     Yey! Petangnya pergi jalan sama kawan-kawan. Ada debbun, cath and siah. ^^ Baiklah! :))) Dlm perjalanan, banyak ketawa. Kenapa? Sy pun x tahu. Adoiiii~ Lalu itu Pantai Lutong, mcm mau jak pg, tpi nnt kulit hitam. Uwaaaaaaa~Then, pg itu Celcom Centre. Atur sim card debbun jap. :P Okay. Problem settle. *Cepatnyeeeeee~ Anehhh. Bertolaklah kmi berempat ke Boulevard. Weeee! Jalan2, cari apa hoh? Heeeee. Lepas beli peraalatan sekolah di PBB, teringat mau beli dompet. So, pg Bryan's Shop. Aisehhh! Boleh tahan hensem owwww! :))) Dahla buat lawak. Ya ampunnn. Debbun kacau dia smpai dia pg promote dompet yg..errrrr! ==" Lepas tu, makan. Dekat mana hoh? Aieee, saya lupa lehhh. McD ka Sugar Bun hoh? Ermmm, lupa. :P

     Dalam perjalanan pg Permy Mall. -errrrrrrr- Hehehehe. Tertido keletihan. *Sorry. Apa pulak sy tetiba xda mood. Sottt sy nihhhh. *Sorry guys! :))) Siah sama itu Cath beli KASUT bha. Wowww! Me emo alone jak ditemani Debbun. Aigoooo~ Sorie ehhh. :P Then, dlm perjalanan ke SMK Merbau, dgn debbun mainlah msg2 maka duduk bersebelahan jak. Nang suka bazir kredit jak upa. :P Debbun nihhh buat sy herann bha. Dia reply msg yg pelik. "XPALUN?" Apa xpalun itu hoh. Ouhhh, rupanya xpalun maksud debb itu adalah XPAPUN! Huahahahahahaha! Sakit perut ketawa. Then, sy jugak kena pasal itu TEPIK. Hmmm, sakit perut ketawa. Itulah kisah kmi dan bagaimana wujudnya kisah "Xpaluntepik". Makseh. :)))

P/S: ignore my language and my grammar. ^^ Hehehehe. For fun. Bad habit. Hehehehehe. Sincerely, Andriana Tepik vs Debbun Xpalun. Kyaaaaa~